Buona Pasqua

As a child Easter was all about Easter Eggs, my favorite was the Humpty Dumpty Easter Egg filled with smarties, or a Cadbury sock filled with chocolates.  One really is never too old for an Easter Egg and a mocha hot cross bun. As time has passed Easter now has a new...


As November approaches the veil that separates the realm of the departed is thinning and spirits of the departed come back to us.  My parents are from a small southern town in Calabria. Platania that is known as for its magical forests where fairies live and play, il...

Hello spring

https://sestosorelline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/joined_video_336798fd084c46cd862a4eb6652fe41e.mp4   Spring has sprung in Melbourne Australia.  The mornings we are greeted by day light, with each passing day the days are getting longer, and we are treated to...

Emilia’s Rainbow of Hope

Hi my name is Emilia, I sent the first picture I drew to my family in Italy to let them know that I am thinking of them and to let them know that everything will be ok.I would now like to send my new rainbow of hope to all the kids in Australia. To let them know that...