As November approaches the veil that separates the realm of the departed is thinning and spirits of the departed come back to us.  My parents are from a small southern town in Calabria. Platania that is known as for its magical forests where fairies live and play, il paese delle fate.

It is a time to keep a look out for omens and signs from the spirit world coins, feathers and scents.

 My connection to my Nonno started on the day of his funeral in Italy it was late at night in Australia.  As a family we stayed up late in silence to mark the moment of his funeral and burial.  It was very late that evening and as I slept, I was awoken by a cold yet warm kiss on my cheek,  i suddenly work up screaming.  I was sceaming as how could Nonno kiss me good night if he was dead. My sister was ashen as she turned to my mother who ran into our room to see what was happening, that she had just prayed and asked Nonno Nicola to give us a sign that he was ok.

 A kiss good night from Nonno was his way of answering my sister’s prayer that he was ok.

I have always known when my late Nonno Nicola is close by as my senses are always heightened. I can hear him the sound of rustling rosary beads, at times I see a glimpse of him from the corner of my eye and when I turn to take a double look he vanishes. I feel his presence and I can smell his distinct scent.

La stagione delle streghe (witching season) between 31 of October, Hallows Eve, 1 November all Saints Day and 2 November all Souls Day is an auspicious period that this year will be crowned with a Frost full moon on 8 November. A full moon whereby you can set your intentions for the new year.